tl;dr permalink: pretty
I don’t know how much technical stuff is going to make it onto this blog and I certainly don’t intend to go into every detail of how the blog itself was constructed, but today at work I was talking to Ben about pretty urls in Jekyll.
It was Ben’s website that inspired me to build this, and from which I got a few specific ideas, but he hadn’t come across Jekyll’s ability to generate ‘pretty’ urls (urls without a file extension at the end), so I thought I’d do a little post about it on here.
Jekyll lets you choose how your posts’ urls come out; this
post is generated from a file called
and the url Jekyll would produce with its default permalink:
permalink style
would be /2013/02/11/pretty-urls-with-jekyll.html; however, just by
setting permalink: pretty
, the url becomes
/2013/02/11/pretty-urls-with-jekyll/index.html, and thus
/2013/02/11/pretty-urls-with-jekyll/ will point to it.
As well as ‘date’ and ‘pretty’, the permalink variable has a built-in value of ‘none’, which would put the post at /pretty-urls-with-jekyll.html, but you can also construct your own formats using various variables (date components, title and categories).
You can even override the permalink of individual posts in the post’s front-matter if you see fit. All very cool, but the standard pretty urls work just fine for me right now.